-- HI-OCTANE -- or the FASTEST race game EVER! from BULLFROG PRODUCTIONS LTD. ------------------------- Contents: ------------------------- * Introduction * System Requirements * How to play * Controls * Help & Hints * Troubleshooting ------------------------- Introduction: ------------------------- Welcome to the world of Hi-Octane, Bullfrogs visceral, high-speed deathchase. Hi-Octane is all about two things: Speed and Death. The main objective is to come first in the race. How you achieve this, however, is entirely up to you. You will be racing against (initially) three other Hover-vehicles around a simple, roughly oval track. This demo features a SINGLE-PLAYER mode and a MULTIPLAYER mode. It does not reveal all features of the full game, which appears very soon. When June comes...You won't believe your eyes! FULL GAME SPECIFICATIONS. ------------------------- Features: * Super-fast arcade action * 6 types of cars to choose from (with different colours) * Select from a veritable armoury of weapons * Race through cities, Wastelands and deserts * Find your own fastest route around the multiple tracks * A practice mode * League table to chart yor progress * SVGA option * 8-player multiplayer option ------------------------- System Requirements ------------------------- Intel 486DX2/50 Processor-based PC or higher 4 MB of RAM Double speed CD-ROM drive VGA card 2-8 player network option (NETBIOS & 4MB RAM) Sound:All Major Sound cards, and all Music formats. ------------------------- Start-up ------------------------- When you enter the game, choose options to configure your game to any preference you wish, including the amount of computer players and the difficulty level. Type "SETSOUND" to configure your sound card, save the settings and exit. Type HIOCTANE to begin. _________________________ How to play ------------------------- The basic premise of Hi-Octane is identical to any other race game: ..race around the track, and win. It is, however, radically different in other areas: * Controls: Hi-Octane is NOT a driving simulation. What it is is an ultra fast, easy to play, true-3D combat racing game. * Speed: Hi-Octane contains a unique Turbo feature. Using this while playing will catapult your vehicle to speeds toppling 400 mph! * Combat: Not so much combat as chassis crushing violence! If you find your opponents are insurmountable, BLOW THEIR BONES AWAY! This demo track is left entirely open to the player. There are no time penalties, nor indeed any lap-clocks at all. Just be first to the line in lap 10, and then you can consider yourself a truly competent player. Similarly, the game is not over once all contestents have completed 10 laps. We have tailored it so you can continue playing for as many laps as you wish, exploring the track, or entering full-on combat with all the other players! The track will also be scattered with power-ups. Collect these to charge your initial weapon levels to cause as much damage to your foes as possible. If you die, (and you will!) you are not out of the race, but you are forced to wait until the track mechanics' ship picks you up, repairs you and drops you back into the thick of it again. This will lose you a good few seconds, but this is the price you pay! ------------------------- Controls ------------------------- Hi-Octane supports most major joypads including Gravis and Phase 9 Phantom controllers. * Button 1 - Mini-gun * Button 2 - Missiles * Button 3 - Turbo * Pull backwards on the pad to brake. Keyboard: Movement - Cursor keys. Weapons: * Up - Accelorate * X - Missiles * Left * Z - Mini-gun * Right * C - Turbo * Down - brake ------------------- Help and Hints ------------------- * Collect as many power-ups as you can, as the other drivers tend to ignore them most of the time. These can give you a major advantage over your competitors, so don't be afraid to lose some time over this, as they are by no means perfect and are constantly trying to kill eachother as well as kill you. * All weapons can be fired at any state of movement whether stationary or hurtling down a straight at 400 mph. Your weapons can all be powered-up to spectacular levels, the most crushing being the Full Homing Devestator missiles. Missiles, however, can never be fully accurate at the speeds that Hi-Octanes' vehicles travel, so positioning yourself before you fire is important. Get behind them and bide your time: A square hit with one of these powered up missiles is instant death for your enemy. * If you find that you simply can't trade blows with your enemies, then you may well be able to out-run them. At the starting gate, try to achieve first place before you hit the start line. Have the turbo key held down BEFORE you hit the start line, and DON'T let go until the fist bend looms. You should have a good head start and KEEP USING TURBO AS MUCH AS YOU CAN! * There is a small short cut in the level. Try to find it: You could see barriers dissapear before your eyes. OO GOOD LUCK! \( )/ ------------------------------------- ^^ ^^ (c) 1995 BULLFROG PRODUCTIONS LTD.